Today, I'd like to give a shout out to the outstandingly awesome woman behind Nami M. Scott: Life Enthusiast, who nominated me for a Liebster award!

According to her blog, the rules of nomination include the below:
- Shout out the person who tagged you
- Post 11 random things about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions the tagger set for you
- Choose 11 bloggers to nominate for Leibster awards and link them to this post (or as many as you can come up with)
- The 11 bloggers you choose must have low follower numbers (think under 200 followers or around there)
- Create 11 questions for the 11 bloggers to answer in their Leibster Award posts
- Go to their blogs & alert them that you've nominated them
- You cannot tag the blogger who has tagged you
11 Random Things:
1. I am a HUGE FC Barcelona fan. I know most Americans find soccer (or football, if you will) lame, but I am not one of them.
2. I used to be an avid baker, until I realized carbs = BAD and I had to cut down.
3. I am 98% accurate at telling what the weight of your business card paper is (thanks to working at a print shop for over a year).
4. My favorite childhood show is Gargoyles.
5. As a kid, the punishment "clean your room" was actually a joy. I used to love cleaning!
6. I can name all the kids in my graduating elementary school class, because there were only 30 of them. #SmallTownLife
7. I know what deer repellant smells like.
8. I can eat cilantro with anything.
9. I'm cool with spiders but centipedes represent ALL THAT IS EVIL IN THIS WORLD.
10. I don't know how to whistle.
11. I can sculpt you an Evenstar out of clay (if you're a nerd, you know what that is).
Nami's 11 Questions for me:
- Holy smokes! The apocalypse is here! You're at home & can only take what you can carry. What do you grab? A machete! Ah crud, I don't have one. OK, I guess my phone so I can call people while the satellites still work. Then a frying pan? I'd want to defend myself but I don't have weapons in my apartment!
- If you could re-experience one moment from your past, whether it's because you just loved it or you wanted to change the outcome, what would it be and why? One time Dave Chappelle came into the print shop that I once worked in, but I was dilly-dallying in the back room! I still wish I had been up in the front at that time so I could've met him.
- If you could name one thing about yourself that you think is great, what would it be? (Don't be shy!) My legs, because they are long and allow me to cover great distances with minimal effort.
- What is your spirit animal? A dog. But that's a guess, I've never taken one of those quizzes.
- What is your dream occupation? A zoologist who gets paid to study elephants or monkeys in their natural habitat.
- If you could change your first name, would you? What would you change it to? (Assuming no one would think it's strange & life would go on as if nothing had happened...let's pretend all legal documentation magically changes without any hardship.) I used to dislike my name, but it grew on me.
- If you had to paint your entire living space with different shades of the same color, what color would you choose? I'm a bit of a sucker for blues and greens, so I'm going with that.
- If you could have a teleportation device that connects your current location to one specific location, what would that location be and why? Easy. Camp Nou in Barcelona so I can see my boys play! El Clasico is on my bucket list.
- You get a letter in the mail from 90-year-old you. She/He tells you 3 amazing things you've accomplished. What are those 3 things? 1) You saw all 7 Wonders of the World (8 including the Pyramids which are a Wonder of the Ancient World). 2) You fought for equality. 3) You loved.
- Would you rather have no elbows or no knees? I guess no elbows so my walking wouldn't be inhibited.
- What is your proudest accomplishment as a blogger thus far? Sticking to it! In a world where everyone has an opinion, I question if mine actually matters. It does. Everyone's does.
- Paddington Peru - This blog has been a go-to for me as a plan my next adventure. It's also quite adorable.
- Joy, The Baker - Delicious recipes for the health conscious
- EatSleepDraw - for a daily dose of creative inspiration
- Let There Be Love - same as above, just with more GIFs
Questions for my nominees:
- What is your number one travel destination (either a place you've been or a place you want to go)?
- If you could be a character from any film/TV show, who would it be and why?
- What is your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
- If you could eat any type of fattening, greasy, sugary, all-around-bad kind of food without it affecting your health - what would it be (pick only one)?
- You just found a magic lamp and are granted three wishes, what is the first thing you wish for?
- Name your favorite Disney movie.
- If you could get away with any fashion statement, what would it be?
- If you were only given a week to live, what would you do?
- Guilty pleasures, what's the first thing that comes to mind? (Keep it clean, folks)
- What's the strangest food you've ever eaten?
- You're favorite celebrity has just asked you on a date, who is it and where do you go?
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